Episode 4

Are You Going Through an Awakening? with Jamie Sale

In this episode, Olympian Jamie Sale talks about her awakening and some of the challenges she has recently faced as well as what she found helped the most in moving forward in her life.

About the Guest:

Jamie Sale was born in Calgary and raised in Red Deer, Alberta. She began skating at an early age and moved into pairs figure skating by age twelve. Sale teamed up with her first partner in 1989 and competed in the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, and finished twelfth overall. Then in 1998, Sale paired up with partner David Pelletier and had a short but dynamic four-year amateur career together. Sale and Pelletier became the first pair to win Worlds held in Canada since 1984 and were also awarded the Lou Marsh Trophy as an outstanding Canadian athlete. Sale and Pelletier won Gold at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, a huge accomplishment as Canada had not earned an Olympic gold medal in pairs figure skating since 1960. Following their Olympic win, Sale and Pelletier began touring with Stars on Ice and had an incredible 10 yrs with them. They were inducted into the Skate Canada Hall of Fame in 2008 and the Olympic Hall of Fame in 2009.

Sale is an advocate for the Special Olympic movement for over 8yrs. Jamie is a proud mother of 2, son Jesse and daughter Samantha. Her and her family reside in Edmonton where she is a transformational neuroscience coach helping individuals, teams and leaders reach their full potential.

Jamie is not currently taking clients. However, if you would like to connect with her please reach out to DeeAnne Riendeau and a connection will be made. https://rosehope.ca/

About the Host:

DeeAnne Riendeau is a thought leader in spiritual and business development whose mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near-death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern-day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your soul's library also known as the Akashic Records.

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV, and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker, and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life.






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WSC Intro/Outro:

This is when Spirit calls, and you on your journey are in the right place. This show is about magic miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth. Let's get to it when Spirit calls is right now.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Hello, and welcome back. Like, you've already heard her bio, you know how incredible this woman is. I am so blessed to have Jamie Sale as really she's actually technically my first guest on this show. And

Jamie Sale:

I'm honored. Yes.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Well, it has been such a pleasure to get to know you over the last few years. And, you know, having watched you when I was younger, skate on me and watched your fairy tale story romance. In news, you know, so I had this vision of, you know, Jamie silay, and this go getter and this bright light. And when we had a chance to connect, you absolutely were that bright light. And I'm so excited to have you here today. Because I know that many people need a bright light today. So thank you for being that today. And yeah, it's my pleasure truly is. And you know, Jamie, I know that you and I have really gotten to know each other quite a bit over this last little while as you've gone on your journey. And I want to invite you to share a bit about your process, because I'm getting a lot of people coming to me and they're saying, Oh my God, I feel so lost. I feel so confused. What's right, what's wrong? What do I trust? What do I not trust? And there's a lot of fear that comes up around that. And so I want to invite you to share a bit of your story as you started to recognize some truths for yourself. When that process, what was that experience? Can you share it?

Jamie Sale:

Are we ready to go with this? Because you know, this is a very sensitive subject topic right now. But I'm happy to share it with people that are open minded. Because I, I feel like what happened to me about a year ago was February, I was on I'll tell you the exact story, I was on a phone call with my one of my good girlfriends out in Ontario. And we were looking at graphs of, you know, the, the COVID stuff from it was a Sweden graph. And I was looking at one from Google. And she was looking at one from a different site. And we were comparing notes. And it wasn't at all the same. And I said, So where are you getting that? And she goes, Well, where are you getting yours? And I said, Well, I'm on Google. And and that was the end of it. And that was sort of when I started to see that there was another whole world that was reporting different news. And it made me very curious. And I've always had a bit of a curiosity, mind, I've always been interested in learning different things, different views, different beliefs, obviously, sometimes with a little bit of judgment, and, you know, wanting to protect myself, but I was very open because I think intuitively I really felt there wasn't something right. Something wasn't right about what we were living. And it wasn't that it wasn't that we were being you know, that I didn't believe everything. It was just I felt something was off. And so it led me down this path of like discovery. And I said, Can you send me stuff that you're seeing and send me all these sites that you're on? And and like I said, like a minute ago, it was the end of me buying into what the mainstream media narrative was saying. And it was like, absolutely shocking to me. And I from that moment, and the days to come after that phone call. I was an absolute shock. And I don't even know how to explain it. Like I my brain was just like, on fire. Like I was just I was going okay, I knew it. But then yet I was scared because I thought, Well, what else are we not being told? And what else? Are they not telling us? And what else is are they lying about? And it just went down this hole as you say, rabbit hole. And I wanted to share it with everybody. I wanted to share it with all my friends and my family. And I was kind of in a panic state because I'm like, You need to hear this. You need to see this because we're not seeing this we're not hearing about it's being censored. These people that are speaking out are being vilified. They're being D platformed. They're being completely censored their their posts get taken off YouTube like immediately. Yeah. And I was seeing it from my own eyes. And but then I noticed very quickly and I think some of you listening right now can relate to this if you were also experiencing that in the last year or two is that when you shared with me People, the cognitive dissonance was so strong, so profound that I felt like a lot of people in my world at that time did not want to hear it. And I and I understood to a point because I too, was quite uncomfortable hearing that there was a lot of misinformation. But there was something in me, that was trusting what I was seeing over here. And I was like, and of course, there's missing information on both sides. We know that. Yeah. But I was trusting more of the stuff over here, because I was questioning things like, why are they being censored? Why, you know, science is supposed to be debatable. Why are we not able to have a? Why are we not allowed to question things? Yes. And that was my red flag. And then yeah, and so I just kept sharing. And unfortunately, I did. I don't like the word lost. But I did have people in my life that were uncomfortable being around me, because of my newfound beliefs, and discoveries. And so I let them go with love. And, you know, because we're all on our own soul journey. But in the middle of that I was really struggling. And that's when I reached out to you because I, I've known you from other workshops that we've done, but I was like, I really need I felt like I had a bit of an aha moment. Or maybe it was my Spirit Guides talking to me, maybe it was my higher, like, whatever that is for you. Something like I got a download. And it was like, you need support. I was finding myself in a, my marriage was falling apart. My second marriage, and I was these friendships were all exiting my life. And so I was I was incredibly sad and scared and confused and even sick. I felt physically ill some days. Yeah, and I remember watching some of this stuff and feeling like, holy, like we have been. I hate the word lied to. But we have been fooled in many aspects of our life, like our whole life, about history and about, like, the things that were coming on the news. And And it's funny, because I never really watched the news ever. And I think that's part of why I was open minded. I wasn't bought into what the news is saying is the truth, right? Yeah. But I did feel physically ill. And that's when I was like, I got that download of like, you need support right now. Because you're not getting it from your normal home team. You know, you're your tribe. And I reached out to you, thank goodness I did, because man that sent me on a path of just incredible. Discount more discoveries about myself. But also it led me to different people. Like I love that you're such a connector Deann that you really love connecting people. And even if it's not you connecting us, it's you putting us on this path of support that leads us to these PDFs.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

I love that. Yeah. Thank you for sharing. Oh, no, I'm so grateful. Sometimes I connect people. And I I'm curious. And I want to know where that path has led them to, you know, all I want to thank you for sharing that vulnerable story. Because it really, I don't think you're alone in this. I think there's a lot of people, a lot of people listening that, you know, have gone through this upheaval. And you know, what's interesting is I had this vision as you were talking and it kind of reminded me of, you know, the people that have been embedded in cults, and they've been raised in a cult type of community. And, and so when, when there's this poll to see outside of that cult, they do go through a strong period of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive Dissonance is not wanting to admit that, that what you've been told, could be untrue. Right. You know, we want to believe that what we've been taught what we've been told is the truth. And as soon as somebody shakes that up our mind say, oh, no, I gotta hang on to that, because that's what I was told was true. And sometimes people cling on to that for dear life, and they actually get more immersed into whatever that belief system is. And and so what a beautiful opportunity COVID provided you and that it brought this to the surface, because one of the things that stood out as you were speaking is that you started to know that truth within you. Yep. And I think that's so powerful. For all the listeners, you know, it's actually even though it might be an extrinsic or outside experience that causes you to reflect and dig into that truth. You know, we don't need to have some epiphany. We don't need to have someone say you're wrong. We can actually just simply choose to go inward. Can't we absolutely have our own truth for ourselves. And that's one of the things that I have really noticed over this last a while is you know, I'm getting told this on this side, and I'm getting told this on this And the fear is coming at us from both sides, if you will. And and I, I remember thinking like, oh my god, I got to choose like what's right, what's wrong? And then I also had this aha, this epiphany, if you will, where I just got this message or download that said, you create your own path. Yes, there is not a sides to be chosen this other than your own side. Really? Yeah, it is about choosing your truth. And so there's a piece of discernment that comes with that. And that's a bit tricky. Can you share how you've been able to discern what what is right? What is wrong? I know this a big question, but like, what do you do in that process to know what's what what feels right?

Jamie Sale:

Oh, that was really hard. Because in the middle of me waking, I say waking up to sort of, I guess the matrix that we were in, we're in a matrix, yeah, an illusion. And I was waking up to sort of the lies or even the truths that we weren't being told. And I had a really hard time. Like, there was a lot of things like, as you say, that were fear mongering on the truth side. And I knew immediately like that we're all gonna die, and that we're all done. And we're all it was like, super far right, as they say, and I went, I don't resonate with that. Right, I do not resonate with that. Then I didn't resonate at all at all anymore with the far left that were, you know, completely, I guess oblivious, if you will, to really what was going on. And I just knew that I, I found my people that I would listen to and watch whether it was a doctor or even a tarot reader that I love. Tarot by Janine of Calgary. I've just loved her, she's kind of kept a lot of us going, speaking with you speaking with other therapists that I've worked with, and for different reasons. And then that's when I think I was doing my own personal healing, because I realized that here I was, as a coach helping people through their traumas. And I knew that my trauma healing wasn't done. I don't know if we're ever really done. There. Yeah, I

DeeAnne Riendeau:

would, I would agree. Yeah, I think this is part of the journey.

Jamie Sale:

Yeah. But I was working through it already when I was coaching, neuroscience, therapy, if you will. And I just like I was trying to help people with their traumas, but I still was working on mine. And when I woke up to all this, I actually was like, I can't work. Because I not only felt physically, Ill based on the beliefs now that I were just like you said, were really, like, shattered, like I was, I was very, it was kind of like being in a dryer. Like, I was just like, oh, like I was, what, what, what, what, but I also wanted more information. It's like, I became a student of learning, what we haven't been told and, and then again, through the, through all these sessions that I've had with my, my people that I chose to work with, or that I found through you, and I found through other people. That's when I that's when I felt like I had discernment, even though I was still absorbing information. Yeah, it took a while, like the and you know, you've worked with me now, what, almost a year. And it's like, it took quite a while. So be patient with yourself and know that. But like the best advice, like you've said, is to really go inward, and stop listening to the noise. And trust your gut, because our intuition has always been there. Yeah, it's always been there, we just tend to not want to listen to it because we think we're comparing our intuition with our belief system. Right, that has been indoctrinated and kind of ingrained in us through television, through media through school even. And, and there's lots of there can be good things and all of that, but in general, we know now what they've kind of been trying to do for centuries. Yeah. And I and I was waking up to that and I was sitting back going, Wow, and you become a lot more gentle with yourself too. And, and you work through that forgiveness part of like, it's what was the word that I used? Like I feel felt guilty that at times and I'm like, stood at all you did we all do the best we can with what we know. Yes. And but it was very hard. I'm being super honest right now because as a coach for four years, I would didn't like to necessarily always share my, my weaknesses, even though I shared a lot of my stories, but I I really struggled to apply my own work. You know what I mean? Like I struggled, being able to apply my own work, like find the good in every day. And I was like, You know what, screw that. I'm struggling today. This box. I don't like this world right now. Or I was struggling with how people were talking to me. I mean, I was actually and I think again, people will relate to this when they hear this like I had people tell me that they couldn't be around me now because Have my beliefs and because of my personal choices that I made, they couldn't. Just all kinds of things and the stories that I was told why people didn't want to be in my life anymore were so incredibly hurtful. So not only I'm waking up to like being lied to a lot of my life or most of my life, I'm waking also up to losing or letting go of relationships that I've bit that been in my life for, for a long time that I thought were like for life. Yeah, so it was discernment took a while it literally Dan, I don't even know if I really had it until maybe before Christmas. And that's when I felt like there was this you even said, when you saw me on one of the sessions, you're like, You look different. Mm hmm. I have this sort of inner strength and and a knowingness. I just knew that I was on this path. For me. That was right. And I always also tell everybody, there is no wrong and right in this. Yeah, you know, there's no, just because you're not awake yet, or you are awake, it doesn't make you better or worse. Everybody is on a soul journey right now. And that is one thing I'm grateful to be aware of. But what what we have to realize is that there's been there's been a divide in all in humanity for reason, they wanted us divided. And so being more awake to what's really going on, is harder, in some ways, because I'm looking at the people who don't want to see it. And they're typically the ones in my life anyway, that are that they're divided. Like, they don't want to be around certain people. Yeah. And I'm like, and it's hard to want to, it's hard to explain to them that this is exactly what, you know, they meaning the darkness in our world has wanted. It's always about conquering, you know, divide and conquer. And if we're all divided, then it creates this, like, not a not a war, but like a, you know, just this fighting within humanity. Yeah. And a

DeeAnne Riendeau:

deeper disconnect. Oh, yes. Connect, you know, the end game is really disconnection from self from 100% to each other, right. And so if we understand that, that's the end game, then the people that can see that they can see whatever divisive ness is showing up in the world, and they know that that's coming and bubbling to the surface for a reason. So yes, all of this, what we've seen is what a lot of people have thought is that oh, my god, dark is taking over. And there's all this evil, and there's all this, you know, dividing, and it's so bad, and all this fear. But the truth of the matter is, all of that was already there, it was just laying under the surface for us, right. And so now it's out, and we can see it. And if we had it, it gives us an opportunity to either face it, to walk through it, to use it as a doorway, Gateway, whatever you want to use it as, rather than being afraid of it, rather than seeing it as this big disruptive force. Because we know that more and more light is being shone on the planet, we're in the Age of Aquarius, right? Yes. You know, a teacher of mine once said, she said, you know, Aquarius, the time of that is just like as though we were in a dark room. And now the lights have been turned on. And so now you can see the cracks in the wall, the dirt on the floor. Yeah, in the corner. And so that's what happens in this time. And so that's what's happening. It's all bubbling to the surface. And so some of us are moving through that in a, you know, difficult, challenging way. Some of us are moving through it and seeing this opportunity. And so the truth of the matter is, we all have a choice and how we want to respond to what's happening. And you have a choice and what we want to believe. And that is a big part of your message today. I you know, you really talked about the inward but being able to again, discern and you had to, you know, take some time with that discernment. You had to find people that felt like they were your people go through a bit of a grieving process as well, because there's more happening than we even see. And I want to share historically, you know, the healers of the world, the people that challenged the status quo, they were condemned, they were learned, they were hung, they were beheaded. And so there's a big wave of that type of energy, especially for people who recognize they've had past lives, and they've been condemned for speaking their voice. A lot of people said, I'm afraid I don't want to speak I don't want to ask what I believe because I will be shunned and I will,

Jamie Sale:

and now I am getting it.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah, you you've gone through it. And and even though it might have been a struggle for you to go through that or it might have been painful or uncomfortable to go through that. Would you say it was worth it?

Jamie Sale:

Yes, I because I have Have faith that the universe God, whatever your God is, is, is in control and is taking care of this. And that's the like, I really, I do believe that. You know, I always told my clients, I said, If you believe that you can or you can't, you're right, you know, and it's the same thing with this. Like, I will totally admit that I have days where I do want to find a good and I do want to see like I visualize where I want to be right now, even though we're in kind of this cloudiness, and it's like the world's getting rattled. And there's a lot going on. And we know sort of what this is all about. But there's days where I some I sometimes think, like, why I don't want to be here. This is so hard. It's so hard. And I again, I have a lot of factors that contribute to that emotion for me. Yeah. But I know a lot of people feel that way right now. Like it's, you know, even with the gray weather, it's really hard. But then I wake up some days and go and go, I've got this because I can visualize myself where I want to be. Yeah, no, we're in right now. But where I want to be, and I do trust that. I know that. I think it's just again, that inner knowing that I know that we are moving through this and there is such a beautiful world coming for all of us. And yes, none of us truly have those. You know, someone telling us that, but but then I like I've been someone said that to me like, well, who's telling you this? I said, Well, maybe it's just I'm getting downloads, maybe it's just that maybe I'm connected to source maybe I'm you know, is it just that I'm trusting? I don't know what that is, but I do. I do believe that. You know, they call it Earth 2.0 Yeah, and it's going to be absolutely beautiful. And they needed to we needed to go through this darkness to get to that. That greater light even though there's always been light. Yeah, but we have to clear that darkness out. It's been here for a long time.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

It's coming so we can purge it. Yeah, yeah, we can. And we can be the alchemist. You know, I, someone said to me, they're like, Oh, I wish I had all your gifts. And I wish I was an alchemist like you and I said what you are. We all are. We were all created to be able to take one energy and transform it to another. Yeah. And so we can take that fear and we can move that fear into compassion. We can. Yeah. And we can shift that energy. And part of that shift is what's happening right now. So yeah, seeing it at the surface level and this COVID Fear whatever's been brought to the surface is the catalyst for us to say us, okay, wait a second, what we've been doing maybe isn't, isn't working so well. Exactly. Well, and it's really an inviting us again, to go inward. I love that you talked about just having faith or having a knowing because I want to speak to this for a minute. Now, I know that you're Claire, cognizant, that's clear knowing and so some of us have a strong gift and Claire cognizance. Now again, we all have gifts. It just depends on our awareness of them and whether or not we choose to allow them to be part of our day. But you already have you have a knowing just like, even if you went into your Olympian times, you knew you were gonna win a medal, didn't you? You knew it.

Jamie Sale:

I could see it. I can smell it. I can taste it. I can hear it. I could feel it.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

You knew. So you all the Claire's you. Were clairaudient clairsentient. Clear? Listen. Yeah, I'm a clairvoyant. So you already had all of that. Right. So yeah, again, a lot of people have this, but they don't realize it. And again, they get caught up in the narrative of what someone is telling them or what a media is telling them. And then they disconnect from their own knowing or their own their own understanding. And then they get stuck in the battle between kind of that head and heart space of like, yes, what do I do here? And if I do this, this happens. And and that's been a conundrum for a lot of people. And you mentioned your process. In that discernment. You mentioned that you looked for people, you reached out to people, you connected with people, and you found the people that understood what you were going through or had an passion, at least, what you were going through, yes. And so I really want that to be a key message for everybody today. You know, if you are going through this, no matter whether it's about the COVID stuff that's happening, or whether it's about you being in a relationship that's not healthy, or in a an organization that's not healthy, whatever that might be. I want to buy you to start looking for the people that speak to you that feel aligned with you that resonate with you, and allow yourself to build deeper connections with those people. So even though we have this invitation to go inward, sometimes that's a very scary road. And you can relate to that, can't you Jamie?

Jamie Sale:

Well, I think I when I say go in word meaning just don't be listening to all the noise outside of you necessarily. Like, when I went in, I was like not listening to. I mean, I did take on a lot of the information I was the new information I was hearing, but then I had to kind of settle down for a while because it was overload. And then I went in words, but with going inward, I had support. And I love that call to action that you're giving to people is like really encouraging all of you to really find that tribe or your community or your village, whatever you want to call that of people that are aligned with, you know, your newfound beliefs, or the beliefs that you want to be supported. Because I do understand the fear around wanting to move through something that isn't serving you any longer. I had it too. And I'm totally admitting this right now. My second marriage, you know, failing is you can take on the shame of that you can take on the embarrassment of that, or you can actually see that as a lesson. And, and I know that it was really important to be around people who were going to support me and not necessarily say, oh, yeah, you're doing the right thing. You know, getting out of this marriage, it was more of just like, around my beliefs that my values actually remember, that was one of the first things and I, I never realized, like you said, whether it's your job or relationship or whatever in your life, it's, you're gonna find now through this great awakening that we're in, that you won't be aligned with a lot of things that you're currently in is because there is this awakening, and you're gonna realize that your values aren't aligned with these things, or these people or this job or this, whatever. Yeah. And and I will say, It's okay to have that fear a little bit like you and I've talked about, like, you can be in that for a bit. It's not like you just avoid it. And don't allow yourself to be in that. I had to go through the scary part of that.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

You haven't heard it and

Jamie Sale:

you have to honor it. Yeah. And so people go, Oh, come on, I go. No, but it's part of it. And it's okay to be sad, and crier cry for days. Like it's okay to go through that. Yes. And if anything, it was incredibly having that community that like, we talked about creating that community and allow having them allow me to honor that was actually really powerful for me. And that was part of my healing. Hmm, it was really beautiful. And so now, like, we talk about compassion, Dan, when I was waking up to things, I didn't have a lot of compassion for people, some people in my life, I was like, you know, I was one of those people that was like, angry and mad, and not not actually shaming them in person, but in my mind, in my head. But then now, something's happened through my discernment and my healing, that I've gotten to a place of like, I actually feel empathetic, yeah, and compassionate, that they're still living in fear. Mm hmm. Like, I actually feel sad for that for these people, that they still have this, like, you know, whether they have to lie, or they have to, like, there's just scared of everything. We're not meant to live like this.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

No, that's not living is it?

Jamie Sale:

That's not living. And, and when they find out what this was really about, that's where like, I just want to, I want to help so bad, but you know what, it's not our job. It's not our job. I mean, we've gently tried to support people and I will continue to do that. I will have compassion. I will be here for people. But in the meantime, what the best advice I got from you, and from everyone else that I've worked with, was that your first? You take care of you first. And my whole life. I've been the caretaker. Yes. Since I was a little girl, up until being an adult now even a mom. Yeah, right. We're always taking care of everybody else. And I'm like, you need to do the self care now. Jamie so that, that was the healing?

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah, I, you know, it is a journey. And I'm so glad that you spoke to like holding space for the anger and the fear, because you're you were going through a grieving process. And a lot of people are grieving big time right now. Right, grieving what we thought it was. And I get it the way we thought the world was going to get, how we looked at the world, we're grieving all of that. And so yeah, we're going to go through those phases of anger. Yes. You know, maybe judgment, even

Jamie Sale:

denial and all of it right. Yep. A really

DeeAnne Riendeau:

important message, I believe, to add to what we've shared already is, you know, people hold space for that, you know, we can still have our gratitudes every day and we can be optimistic, but what we have to be aware of is the idea of spiritual hijacking. And spiritual hijacking is when we don't allow ourselves to feel those feelings, those low vibration energies and we we just block them or we push them aside or whatever. And oh, no, I'm happy and everything's great. And I've got to admit to I've woken up a few days. And I've just felt like crying. Oh, and I might not be able to put my finger on what it is, but I recognize it as grief. Mm hmm. You know, I don't know what the grief is from whether it's from pre COVID, or whether it's from whatever, you know, doesn't matter. The point is, is that when we honor and hold space and holding space and honoring our low vibration, energy doesn't mean that we're focusing and dialing in, right, necessarily, we're spending all our time in that. What we're doing is we're looking at it and we're saying, Okay, I'm feeling this grief, and it's okay, what exactly what do I need to help this grief? What do I need to love on this grief? And I use a little bit of an experience for people and I'll share this as we come to, you know, wrapping up. Again, like I said, we're all alchemists. And so we have the ability to change and transform energy. And so when I am feeling anger, or shame, or whatever that low vibration energy is, I actually take my hands and I kept my hands together. Okay, hold, like, as if I'm holding a cute little bird or a bunny rabbit. And by the way, if it's an angry bunny, yes, it has red eyes. Okay. But I am a little bunny right up. Yep. Little Sweet little bird, or whatever it is. And I say, Ah, hey, grief. I see you're back again. I don't know why. But if you want to tell me why I'm listening, and I can see that message show I engage relationship to that energy. I love that engage in a relationship with even the low vibration energy, you honor that energy. And guess what happens? Already that grief have started to change even by saying hey, grief, already that grief is alkalizing. It's another energy. It's saying, Oh, thank god, she's hearing me. Thank God. She's letting me be seen and heard.

Jamie Sale:

See, and isn't that so important? And for us, that is one thing I've noticed this whole last year, is that I haven't been heard. Yeah. And seen like, and it's not about like, look at me performing. No different.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

It's different. It is different. feeling safe enough. Yes. Hear your message? Yes. Energy. It all works the same. So yeah, in anger, it all works the same. It just wants me to hear it. And yet, when you're busy being like, Oh, screw that anger. Yeah, how to deal with that right now. Right? So that is just a little tool for our audience. And I know of them, see me, but I cut my hair. So you guys know that are listening. I just put my hands. You can even just do the visualization. I always like to like have the tangible because it helps me and my logical mind. Experience in but yeah, I'm the last that has done wonders for me. It's allowed me to move into the observer space a little bit more. But it's also allowed me to receive whatever intuitive information I need to learn from that grief or that anger. Because oftentimes, I'll hear message it says, Oh, well, you know, you didn't deal with this particular issue when you were four. Right? Or I'll get some insight of, well, this isn't how you responded to this situation, what's that about? So to me down into more information, that that is just gonna keep adding to what you were speaking about, you said, you know, you've always been curious. Hmm. So I'm inviting our listeners to be curious to allow whatever is drawing you in to allow spirit to call you and be gracious about what that call is. Because once you start to at least take the path that will lead you to another and it'll lead you to another and it'll lead you to another rather than you getting stuck. And that is what I think a lot of people were before COVID really stuck, you know, stuck in the rat race we were stuck in this certain way of living and that has been dissolved now we've taken that away. Or it's at least bits shifted. And so a thing now yes, and is still shifting. And so it provides this incredible opportunity for us to go on this deeper path of discovery with ourselves to get curious within ourselves but also outside of ourselves and for us to really create community that supports us and and you know, what, one thing I will just add as a final note is that when we begin to recognize that what is no longer serving us hmm fades away naturally for us. Then we can move through the letting go of the people that we thought were there to stay and we can move through whatever that experience was that we thought was there to stay because we know that it had to move on or shift for whatever reason for us and our highest good you know, the universe is always supporting our highest good and I know that I know that to be true. So Jamie, any final word ah to kind of wrap things up for today, anything that you wish to share,

Jamie Sale:

I love all of this. I just love, you know, trusting your higher self and surrounding yourself with it even said, like minded people and becoming the observer, that is a really difficult thing to do when you're in a grieving phase, but I really think it's gonna be tear in it. But yeah, just know that whatever journey you're on right now, and in a difficult situation or relationship, whatever it is, you know, to continue to honor each part of that journey, because it's all there for us to learn from, right. And I even use my Olympic experience as that example to there what that wasn't all incredible and amazing and beautiful. I had lots of really challenging difficult times when I didn't want to, I just wanted to throw in the towel. But I what I learned, even at a young age was to I didn't understand, you know, we didn't have that languaging that we use now of honoring those those times. Yeah. But I think that's really important. And you know, what I just again, want to reiterate, is that you're not alone, whatever you're going through, and whatever you're feeling, and you're not alone. And we've all there's been a lot of fear even around sharing this because there's shame and there's judgment, and no more like I feel very comfortable. Now speaking about this, because I did I do get a lot of people that, that say to me, Jamie, thank you for speaking out. I needed to, I needed to hear that I wasn't alone. And so for those of you that can resonate with what I've said, the and said, you know, we're here for you, and and I'm sending you love and light. And you know, and this is going to be a beautiful, a beautiful world that we are moving into. So I wish everyone well. And, you know, I look forward to continuing working with UDM you have been an incredible light for me. So thank you so, so much for everything you've done to help me.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

It's been such a delightful journey. And I'm honored to walk the path alongside you, Jamie. I'm honored to call you my friends. And

Jamie Sale:

sisters. Yes.

DeeAnne Riendeau:

Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. And you know, I don't know that we would have found each other had this whole thing not happened either. Right. So again, we can see that silver lining. And yes, you said, you know, the journey is part of it. And if we can revel in the journey, if we can enjoy the journey and not get too wrapped up into where that journey goes. It allows us to live more fully being present. Yes, yes. Yeah, we can. We can have a whole nother

Jamie Sale:

I know. I know. Right? Yeah. I

DeeAnne Riendeau:

almost feel like I'm like, Oh, I just want to keep going. There's so much here. But you know, I am so grateful for you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for speaking your truth, and reminding everybody that they're not alone, and that we are wrapping them in our love. So that's a wrap for today's episode. I look forward to spending more time with you. We've got a lot of incredible speakers coming up on when Spirit calls. Jaime, thank you for allowing spirit to call you and leaning into that journey. I'm so so happy for you. And I'm so excited for more people to hear about your story know it's going to have incredible impact for many, many generations to come. So we absolutely look forward to having you back. Until next time. Bye for now.